e-Civeles – Digital Competences and Intercultural Values in e-Learing Environments

In the e-Civeles project, universities, research centres and adult education organizations join efforts, betting for equitable social models in which citizens may participate actively in the framework of strategies that may strengthen intergenerational communication and cultural awareness among people from diverse cultural backgrounds.

Nowadays, in the European Union, we strive to achieve respect and mutual understanding among different cultures in education and even beyond. In this sense, the e-Civeles project focuses on competence in awareness and cultural expressions, as well as on social and civic competences; moreover, it will enhance skills to learn to learn, it will train in communication and practical skills in the digital environments and it will also improve knowledge and raise awareness of the cultural heritage in Europe.

Therefore, the general aims of this project are:

  • To promote the development of digital, linguistic and cognitive skills on the part of the target groups.
  • To foster social inclusion by raising awareness of the historical and cultural heritage in a European context
  • To stimulate teacher professional update in this field.

Project Number: 2017-1-ES01-KA204-038404
Project Duration: October 2017 until November 2019
Continue reading: e-civeles.eu