Post-Traumatic Integration

The objective of this project is to raise the awareness about the occurrence of post-traumatic problems (including PTSD) among refugees and asylum seekers, its symptoms and possibilities for early low-level mental health interventions, and to support the continuing professional development of refugee educators (such as teachers, trainers, mentors, etc.) and youth workers, especially because they will have to deal with an increasing number of refuges/asylum seekers with variety of psychological, emotional and behavioral difficulties.

The target groups and stakeholders include:

  • Persons without psychiatric or psychological education, who are working on a contractual or voluntary basis with refugees (e.g. social and medical services, youth workers, etc)
  • Language teachers and trainers; primary and secondary school teachers with pupils coming from refugee or migration background, as well as educators for adults
  • Organizations dealing with the reception and/or administration of refugees and asylum seekers

Project Number: 2017-1-BE02-KA202-034725
Project Duration: November 2017 until October 2019
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