ReDi School for Digital Integration

A Good Practice from Germany and Denmark

ReDI School of Digital Integration is a non-profit digital school for tech-interested locals and newcomers in Germany. The organization offers their students high-quality training and the chance to collaborate with the start-up and digital industry.


ReDi School’s aim is to provide their students with valuable digital skills and a strong network of tech leaders, students, and alumni to help create new opportunities for all. ReDi School of Digital Integration also offers the “Digital Women” Courses that aim at empowering women by helping them develop their digital skills and helping them integrate into German society and the job market.

ReDi School of Digital Integration provides four programmes:

  • Digital Career Program – the students participate in a 4-month program with usually two weekly classes, taught by volunteers. The courses are free.
  • Digital Women Program – the program aims at empowering women by helping them develop their digital skills and integrate into the local society and job market.  The teachers are experienced professionals, volunteering their time on a weekly basis.
  • Digital Youth Program – for people between 18 and 30 years old. The course is in German or Danish.
  • Kids Program – ReDI School teams up with PxP embassy to empower disadvantaged kids and youth.

In addition, the students get access to a large number of workshops, professional networks, job training, and conferences, which can help you land a job or find a paid internship.

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