The German Association of Martial Arts Schools against Violent Extremism

The German Association of Martial Arts Schools against Violent Extremism (Deutscher Verband der Kampfsportschulen gegen Extremismus DVKE) is a unique and first of its kind initiative of the German Institute on Radicalization and DeRadicalization Studies (GIRDS) in Germany.

The DVKE is a network of committed martial arts schools in German speaking countries, working against violent radicalization and extremism of every sort. Hence, the DVKE is worldwide the first network of martial arts schools which introduces counter-radicalization into the daily training school routine. They aim to train their members to spot violent radicalization processes as early as possible and to be able to react adequately. Ideally, DVKE mentors can act as strong partners for other more specialized CVE and deradicalization programs.

The DVKE offers specific training courses and workshops for that purpose, together with a quality seal for those member schools which commit to counter-radicalization and counter-extremism in an extraordinary way. In order to carry the quality seal the member school must fulfil the following criteria:

  • Successful and complete participation in the main mentor training course of the DVKE. The school must have at least one trained mentor available at all time.
  • Adaption of the school’s house rules according to DVKE standards.
  • Having stored and available information material about CVE and counter-radicalization for parents and the interested public.
  • Continuous education and specialization in the field of counter-radicalization through regular participation in specialized workshops and training course related to the main topic. These regular additional trainings must be verified to DVKE.

For more information on the DVKE, please visit the website of the German Institute on Radicalization and DeRadicalization Studies (GIRDS).

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