

Kick-off is a model project for prevention and deradicalisation in prisons and probation-services in Schleswig-Holstein that has been funded since July 2017 by the federal programme “Demokratie leben” and co-financing from the “Justizministerium Schleswig-Holstein”. Kick-off covers both the area of Islamism and the area of right-wing extremism. The aim of the project is to empower young prisoners against extremist thoughts, to strengthen the confidence of prison staff in their actions and to support the distancing processes of radicalised persons.


  • Democracy education classes in the prison: The classes enable early immunisation against radical thinking. Over a period of several months, the young people learn about and experience democracy and various forms of participation. Also, they are strengthened in their self-efficacy through active participation.
  • Trainings and expert consultation for staff members: The staff’s ability to act should be strengthened by enhancing their intercultural competences and giving them knowledge about ideologies and radicalisation processes. Furthermore, they are empowered to recognise such signs at an early stage and to react appropriately against the ongoing radicalisation process. In stopping the radicalisation process, the focus is on professional relationship building, in which the staff members are supported by a professional counselling.
  • Discussion groups: In discussion groups, participants have the opportunity to take part in discussions and improve their critical thinking through discussion in a diverse group.
  • Intensive support for radicalised persons: The aim is to initiate distancing processes and accompany them in the long term, even after release from prison.

More information is available in German:

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